In 2019, my wife Chris and I co-founded MC Nutrition with the flagship product Uminus20. The business has continued to grow and now Chris provides Nutrition Coaching and many other services.
Here is her story:
As I approached my 50th birthday, my body began to change. I couldn’t eat the foods I used to. I was having trouble regulating my body temperature, my energy was low and I was having trouble controlling my weight.
I consulted my doctor and I was always looking for the next bio hack from podcasts and website blogs, but nothing I tried was relieving my symptoms. That's when I decided to figure it out myself.
Matt developed our branding and website and I created the formula for U-20. Together we launched MC Nutrition and began production of our first product in a FDA approved lab.
Today MC Nutrition is growing and we are introducing more products that we have designed to meet the needs of our active lifestyle.
We truly believe no matter YOUR lifestyle, we can improve it!

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